Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bald Faced Lie

Today, while researching the phrase "bold faced" to see if I could use it to mean "extremely candid," I found that there are actually three similar phrases that all mean the same thing (brazen, shameless, etc.).

However, two of them, "bald faced" and "bare faced," refer to being uncovered or unconcealed whereas "bold face" indicates someone daring enough to lie to someone's face or is a description of attention-grabbing typesetting.

For whatever reason, the WikiAnswers article claims that bald or bare faced is the most appropriate and, of the two, bare is preferred.

I went with bald faced because that was the first one that came to mind when I was writing and it accurately describes the clever thinking behind New Orleans' Prospect.1 Biennial as a giant ad promoting tourism to the city.

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