Wednesday, December 10, 2008

For All Intensive Purposes

Only sometime last year (and I think I'm not alone here) did I realize that the phrase isn't about some super intense purposes but rather about "intents and purposes." Probably some legalese so that you know it covers both.

There's actually something satisfying about that way of talking, being extremely thorough and long-winded. It's pretty much the opposite of how we communicate these days.

It's already happened to me where someone uses a crazy version of an acronym and I have no idea what they're talking about. Most recently it was Leti using "LULZIE" in place of "LOL."

The line between using that type of language ironically to make fun of it and naturally as part of everyday speech has all but disappeared. Which just means that life is more annoying and I am more of a curmudgeon.

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